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Leonard Hatred 1:21 Mon Feb 20
Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Said if the right opportunity came up, he might fancy another management job.

Interesting timing 🤔

I'd be happy with that.

I like Martin O'Neill.

Martin O'Neill is GOOD.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Justin P 12:53 Wed Feb 22
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
fuck me!

If Martin O'Neil is the answer, what is the fucking question?!

gph 12:39 Wed Feb 22
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
GO's in the mire.

Don't think Len is.

What the fuck has he done to be liked by someone who likes GO, anyway?

BRANDED 11:10 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
I like Len and GO. Both have called me cunts but they are infinitely mire entertaining than many on here.

Leonard Hatred 11:09 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Aww... Keep Dreaming has made a friend.


Keep dreaming 11:07 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Chief aggressor and a liar. Dead right

Leonard Hatred 10:52 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
You forgot to call me a "faggot"

Raise your game.

You've lost your edge.

BRANDED 10:49 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
The internet is so brilliant.

Auntie Thermite 10:41 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
"Vexed never apologised for it because he never said it.

You made it up.

I didn't suggest that nobody should click on your Twitter links, I just stated that nobody ever did/does."

I'm sorry and stand corrected.
You're simply a liar.

This affected outrage was boring, fake and gay at the time and tenfold that now.

Leonard Hatred 10:34 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Vexed never apologised for it because he never said it.

You made it up.

I didn't suggest that nobody should click on your Twitter links, I just stated that nobody ever did/does.

Because you're mental and a twat.

And I was correct.

Enjoy Lent.

Auntie Thermite 10:29 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
No you are being deliberately dishonest.
You were following around said Goldfarb poster for months continuously goading them, and insulting them, they responded in good humour iif even bothering to reply at all.
You meanwhile were haranguing the mods to have said poster banned for daring to reject the State's directives over the Convid fraud.
This went on for months.

Then one day in response to you jumping on insisting no-one should ever consider clicking any link they may have posted, the Goldfarb character pointed it out that was a bit rich considering that Vexed had falsely claimed as the reason for you being temporarily banned for a short while.

Then you feigned outrage and got them banned, after months of petitioning the mods to do so, simply because that Goldfarb chap didn't believe the obvious lies about convid.

Weird how important it is you desire to be seen as a victim, and not a chief aggressor.

Did Vexed ever get round to making an apology for that statement in the end?

Leonard Hatred 10:18 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
My recollection is not dishonest, I have repeated your words verbatim.

You made up a story about me posting CP on here because you were angry and upset about me taking the piss out of your ill-informed, mental fucking nonsense.

And for the record, I am the most cheerful man in England.

Anyway, tell us about these Jews...

BRANDED 10:11 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
I enjoy going to see West Ham every time. I’d fucking hate going to Sunderland or some trans team from Scotland.
Looking forward to the weekend.

Auntie Thermite 10:03 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
That's a pretty retarded non sequitur, even by your standards, in spite of your dishonest recollection, it bears no resemblance to anything contained in this thread.

It was a direct reference to the pot calling the kettle black, from the words you used to describe A.N Other poster.

I can only ever recall you once showing even the merest semblance of joy/humour on here, and that's when you were leading a witch hunt over Joyo [the dribbling spastic] for being a nonce.

Leonard Hatred 9:54 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now

If you're comparing me cunting off Keep Dreaming to you saying I have "a proven track record of posting child porn", having completely made it up, then I'd suggest that's a shit defence.

Steady 9:48 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Leonard - you are on fire, let’s hope the players show half as much passion this weekend

Auntie Thermite 9:24 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Can't speak for others.

But it was more about the pot calling the kettle black.
Quite incredible really, if you think about it.

Leonard Hatred 9:05 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Go on then Goldie...

What have you got to say?

Auntie Thermite 8:50 Tue Feb 21
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
5:57 Mon Feb 20

Keep dreaming 9:53 Mon Feb 20
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Silence? I'm not like yourself sitting all day and night drinking in front of an online football forum. Weirdo.

Regarding football, so you want Moyes out now or what?

Keep dreaming 9:51 Mon Feb 20
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
I enjoyed the first 10min against spurs if you really wants to know.
So what?

southbankbornnbred 8:59 Mon Feb 20
Re: Martin O'Neill on TalkSport just now
Fair question, Len.

It has been a while!

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